In reflecting on the past year, I am amazed at how blessed I have been. Around this time last year, I was starting to inquire about TeachOverseas and fill out my application to be a part of the Hungary team. In the beginning stages of this journey, it was more of a dream-like opportunity than it was a reality, and looking back, I can see God’s hand in all parts of the process and how He has grown, shaped, and changed my heart in the last year. I couldn’t have imagined the many ways that God would bless me this year: bringing in all my support, giving me the confidence to trust and rely on Him in times of loneliness and trial, placing people in my life and using them to love me, teach me, and convict me, opening doors for ministry in the orphanage and with my students, and showering me with His grace and mercy every single day. And those examples are just a small percentage of the many blessings I’ve seen in my life this year. I am in awe of the amazing God we serve.
Although the orphanage has been where my heart longs to be most of the time, the majority of my time spent here is with my students at their school. This part of my ministry has been more difficult to dive into and develop, and as a result has caused me to feel insecure about my role in the classroom. However, with the New Year and the new semester, many of my students have started opening up to me in new ways, inviting me to coffee or to get pizza or visit some of the amazing sights in Miskolc. A couple of them have even asked me to start looking at my schedule for a weekend that I have free to spend with their family in their small villages! This is really exciting for me, and I’m hoping that it will allow me to develop deeper relationships them and open doors for God to use me to love them in deep and personal ways. Please pray that He will continue to present opportunities such as these and that He will use me in their lives for His glory. As many of you know, the orphanage in Diosgyor has become a huge part of my ministry here, and the kids there and the relationships I’ve developed with them have been some of the most wonderful ways that God has blessed me this year. One weekend, in particular that I really felt God moving was the weekend that we celebrated Christmas at the orphanage (December 17-19). This was probably the most blessed weekend of my life. On Friday afternoon, started the celebration off with a few Christmas crafts followed by a movie to end the night. Saturday was when most of the action took place. We arrived early for breakfast, made salt dough tree ornaments, set up the Christmas trees in each house, decorated gingerbread houses for a competition, made hot chocolate, sang and danced to music, and just had an amazing day of enjoying timeless fun together.
Just before dinner, we all gathered into one of the houses for a Christmas program that the kids had organized for us. Smiles were drawn, tears rolled down cheeks, and laughter roared as the kids performed a Christmas rap and a couple other songs and dances. Watching them all dressed up, having fun together, not thinking or worrying about the fact that their families abandoned them or that they’re treated poorly on a daily basis, and so proud of their efforts to impress us filled me with so much joy. It’s amazing to me to think back to when I first met them all and how their demeanor and mood has changed since then. I can especially see it in Vali’s face… her eyes are brighter, her burden seems lighter, and she smiles in place of what used to be sadness and hopelessness. They are such beautiful creations.
After the performance, was the gift opening. It was incredible to watch their animation… their contentment. They tore through boxes full of wonderful gifts from their wish lists, smiles plastered across their faces and eyes lit with excitement. I handed out the cards that families from Winneconne Christian Fellowship sent for each child and got to watch as some pulled out pieces of jewelry and immediately put it on to show off to everyone in the room, some found the nearest translator to have handwritten letters meant specifically for them, and the smaller children eagerly ripped through the paper to get to their stack of football cards, stickers, or small toy waiting inside. After the initial chaos of gift opening started to die down, I looked over to see Laci (Lazlo) sitting on a small couch by himself. He was reading his personal letter, which happened to be from my mom. His cheeks were wet, and when he got to the bottom of the page and finished sifting through photos of my family, his eyes met mine and he immediately rose to his feet to come give me a hug. I asked him what else he got for Christmas and he held up his letter and family photos and said, "This one is best… my favorite." This boy had a box filled with things that your average teenage boy would idolize and his favorite was a handwritten letter and some pictures of a family he’s never met… my family. Love goes such a long way. It was such a precious moment for me when he later pulled me into his room to show me how he put up the pictures by his bed. He pointed to them and said, "Your family." I said to him, "YOUR family." And with a satisfied nod, he pointed to me and replied, "My family… testver (sister)."
The next morning a mission’s organization called Word of Life put on a puppet show that presented the Christmas story and Gospel for all the kids. Afterwards, during a time of prayer, Vali and Adam prayed to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior!! She was crying… I was crying, and with the help of a translator I got to explain to her how excited I was because this meant that we would never have to say a final goodbye to each other because one day we will be reunited in Heaven where we will spend eternity together with Jesus. Hallelujah!!! There was a party happening in Heaven that morning.
Bible studies at the orphanage are going really well also. We have about 10 kids that come regularly, and they have been asking a lot of questions lately.
I received many, many beautiful personal Christmas gifts and financial offerings to help with activities at the orphanage. Thank you so much for loving me and caring about the orphans that I've come to love. Your gifts are a beautiful expression of the Love of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Matthew 16:25
Prayer Requests:
Some of the kids from the orphanage have been coming to our church and seem to really enjoy it. Please pray that they will continue to come and really hear God speak to them.. and develop relationships with a community of believers that are Hungarian!
My school asked me to lead the morning staff devotional a couple times, and I got to share some of how God had led me to Hungary and how He has been working since I arrived..it's cool to see God using me in this way.
More and more students are asking me to talk and hang out outside of school, visit the orphanage, stay the weekend with their family... prayer that God will use those deepening relationships.
Discernment in God’s will for my future.
I’ve started the process of applying for Graduate schools and it’s hard not to get excited about what might be waiting for me when I return to the states. Pray that I wouldn’t lose my present focus and become distracted by future possibilities, but also for just enough focus and motivation to get the applications done without adding much stress to my life.
AWANA video
Diosgyor Orphanage video
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