Abby and I had our first girls’ night at the orphanage a couple Fridays ago, and it was a blast. We painted nails, watched a romantic comedy, ate way too much junk food, and laughed A LOT. It was really great to be spending time with them under such casual circumstances and for no specific purpose. Most of our visits have a “main event” (either Bible study or English class) but this time was different… we were there simply because we wanted to spend time with them, and they knew that too, which elicited a whole new atmosphere consisting of carefree timelessness. It’s something that I want to try to experience a little more frequently with them, so I’m going to start going there to hang out on the nights I don’t have much to do.
The next day after the orphanage, some of my students organized an “Advent Tea house,” which isn’t held at an actual tea house, but at a church near the orphanage. I was able to invite Vali, one of the girls at the orphanage who I have begun to develop a really strong bond with, to come with me. She was ecstatic that I would want her to be my guest! The tea house was great… tables were decorated and set up facing a stage area where a skit was performed and four students shared their testimonies. The first student who shared was one of my 11th grade students, Zsofi. Her sister translated for me as she shared about her brokenness and God’s pursuit of her in the midst of her pain. It was so awesome to hear her, along with the other students, talk about their spiritual journeys and witness them in that sort of atmosphere, outside of school. Vali had such a good time too. At one point she even saw someone she knew and got up to go mingle at a different table… that filled me with joy. On the walk home, through broken English and some Hungarian words she knows that I know, she pointed to the sky and said, “Isten beszel (God speaks) Zsofi (my student) nekem (for me).” What a blessing! This was probably my favorite night in Miskolc since arriving. God made Himself so clearly present in those couple hours, I was in complete awe.
God has been opening a lot of doors for developing relationships with my students as well. Four of my students expressed a desire to have a Thanksgiving dinner with me at my flat since I wouldn’t be able to spend it with my family, so on Tuesday, since my actual Thanksgiving day was filled and blessed with a few other people inviting me into their homes (one couple even made us a turkey dinner!), I made spaghetti and attempted to bake cookies and garlic bread, but my oven broke! We had such a fun time regardless. Zsofi suggested that we try to fry the cookies in a baking sheet on the stove… it almost worked… We all went around the table and shared what we’re thankful for and had a lot of really great, some deeper, conversation. I am so thankful that God placed them in my life to make me feel His love on Thanksgiving.
Our attempt at frying cookies...
Boroka with the end result: half baked/half burnt cookie dough. yumm..
Thanksgiving dinner :) (Boroka, Eszter, Zsofi, Dani)
1) Some of the kids from the orphanage have been coming to our church and seem to really enjoy it!
2) My school asked me to lead the morning staff devotional last Friday, and I got to share some of how God had led me to Hungary and how He has been working since I arrived.
3) More and more students are asking me to talk and hang out outside of school, and 3 of them have asked to join me in visiting the orphanage sometime.
Prayer Requests:
1) I’ve started the process of applying for Graduate schools and it’s hard not to get excited about what might be waiting for me when I return to the states, so pray that I wouldn’t lose my present focus and become distracted by future possibilities.
2) Discernment in God’s will for my future.
3) Continued guidance in relationships… words to speak in the timing that they are needed.
With some of my students at their Levay Ball. (Mate, Klaudia, Petra, Erik, Vikki)
Polett and I on a hike to the Avas Hill lookout tower!